I'm so inspired of writing this article,regarding one of
my wildest dream and Guess what??? Since High School i
usually heard and see Belo on TV
and it made me curious since then. I know Belo is
an instrument to everybody out there who aspires and
wants to enhance their beauty.
God created us in his image and likeness so therefore
everybody is equal and everybody is beautiful physically.
to top it up add some good and nice traits to yourself
and to others to spice it up and definitely it will
Back to my Topic, while i was bloghopping and surfing
the net I've discovered that Belo Medical group is not
only focusing in beauty enhancement, surgeries and all
that but they also have a Golden Heart of helping people
in need , for short they have their own Foundation.
The private foundation was created for the education of
needy children, rehabilitation of burned victims, surgery
of children with cleft palate and environmental awareness.
The core advocacy is geared towards the physical, mental
and social welfare of the beneficiaries.
Dr. Belo assures she will be on top of all the activities
and charitable missions of the said foundation, which will
include annual scholarship grants to poor and deserving
students,community outreach, public service, medical
missions, surgical assistance and environmental drives.
Thus, The money you spent on Belo clinic surely pays
back to the less fortunate.so to those who transferred
to other clinic well It's about time for you to go back
to where you started.
It's not all about BELO and It's about YOU!
P.S Dr.Vicky Belo my idol ,I hope you read this blog I
made for you.So sad i wasnt able to see you when you
visited here in bacolod.I hope someday I will say only
Belo will touches my SKIN. lol
> Merry Christmas to all!!!
PLS visit BELO WEBSITE: www.belomed.com